This is the country we live in y’all!

I just saw a video on Facebook that absolutely broke my heart this morning. It was about an African American family in Denver Colorado with 2 small boys who woke up one morning to racial slurs spray painted all over their porch and house. Someone painted a noose with a man hanging from it right outside their door. And after watching this all I can think is why? Why would anyone hate someone of a different color so badly that they would do something so heinous? Imagining those parents having to explain to their young sons why someone would do that to their home literally brings me to tears. I couldn’t even imagine having to have a conversation like that with my kids. This has GOT to change. We have GOT to stand against this and stand up for those who experience it. Nothing will ever change if nothing is ever done. Change starts with us. It starts with our children, and it starts in our hearts.

The video can be viewed through the link below.

This is what we’re raising our children in! This upsets me more than I could ever explain. Nobody and I mean NOBODY deserves to be treated like this. Nobody deserves to feel unsafe in their own home because somebody else’s parents taught them how to be an ignorant racist. Racism is not born, it is taught. Our generation, the generation raising kids who will one day be the leaders of this country, have the opportunity, no, the obligation to change this! Teach your children to love everyone no matter their color. Teach your children to be kind to everyone they come in contact with no matter their color. Teach your children to take care of one another, because at the end of the day we are ALL human, and we are ALL in this together.

Please take my words to heart. But most of all, please raise humans who would NEVER do something like this. My heart breaks for this family and I pray the police catch whoever did this and they get punished to the fullest extent.

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