The 90’s… The last great generation!

I can’t be the only one who desperately wishes I could go back to the 90’s right? I mean, come on! We had 3D Doritos, Doug, purple ketchup, TGIF, good cartoons, and soooo much more!


Everything was so much simpler back then! We didn’t have all this technology and video game consoles. We had Nintendo that you could fix by simply blowing into it, and if that didn’t work you were screwed because it was unfixable. Our internet consisted of very little. We didn’t have Google. We had Jeeves. We didn’t have Facebook. We had MySpace. And you couldn’t even use the internet if someone was on the phone and if someone called while you were on it there went your connection. Hope you have 2 hours to wait on it to reconnect cause that’s what it’s gonna take. And the sound it made OMG!! It sounded like nails on a chalkboard, but I would give just about anything to hear that sound again.


We had the coolest food!!! 3D Doritos, purple and green ketchup, Surge, clear Pepsi, fruit shaped Trix, Skittles gum! You name it we had it. I realize some of these things like Surge and clear Pepsi have made recent comebacks but they are not nearly as good as they were in the 90’s. Maybe they taste the exact same, but years of adulthood have ruined my taste buds, because I bought a clear Pepsi the other day and almost puked! I used to drink them like water when they first came out. If Doritos brings the 3D Doritos back I will forever be in their debt though because those things were the shit. I’ve noticed a few more 90’s food back on the shelves like Dunkaroos, French Toast Crunch, and the Oreo cereal, but honestly, none of it tastes the same and ever time I try another 90’s only product that tastes awful, my soul dies a little more. So please, food companies if you’re going to bring it back, make it taste the same. Otherwise my blood is on your hands. K? Thanks!


And the tv shows! They were the absolute greatest! Cartoons now have no plot. They have no story line. If you want to argue this watch Uncle Grandpa, the name alone should tell you everything you need to know. Spongebob makes me want to punch him in the face every time he laughs, and the Ninja Turtles are imposters! We had the good shows like Dinosaurs, Doug, PepperAnn, Recess, Martin, The Nanny, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, The Wild Thornberrys. I could go on and on about 90’s tv but I will spare you. I recently purchased the entire Wild Thornberrys collection and I must say it is one of the smartest of my unnecessary purchases to date. We had TGIF. Who remembers TGIF? Boy Meets World, Family Matters, Full House, Step by Step, Home Improvement. It don’t get much better than that. When TGIF came on all fighting in my house ceased until it went off. I’m pretty sure it’s the only time my mama had well-behaved children. It’s also the only time we were in the house by 9:00. If you missed TGIF you were screwed the next Monday at school because that’s all anybody would be talking about. Dear tv stations. If you want to raise your viewer numbers, bring back these shows. I would buy a satellite just to watch them.




But the best part about growing up in the 90’s was the simplicity of it all. Everything is so hectic and fast paced these days. Back then things weren’t like that. We didn’t sit inside all day and play video games and watch tv. During the summer as soon as we woke up we immediately went outside and we stayed there until we were too exhausted to eat supper. When we were in school we went outside the minute our homework was done and we stayed there until bed time. Most of the time if we even mentioned staying inside our parents would have none of it. If you weren’t sick you were outside. But most of the time we didn’t need to be asked. We didn’t follow the media like today’s society does. We didn’t jump on news story bandwagon just because everybody else did. But, then again back then the biggest stories were OJ, JonBenet, and Bill Clinton. Everybody knew OJ did it before he wrote the book. We knew that little girls parents killed her. And we knew Bill Clinton should have stayed in office because he wasn’t doing anything all the presidents before him had done. He just happened to get caught. North Korea wasn’t threatening to nuke us, and Russia wasn’t our friend. It was a good time. I would give just about anything to go back to that simple time. To feel like a kid again. To have good cartoons and creative food. I would love to squirt purple ketchup on my french fries, or have the satisfaction of crushing a 3D Dorito in my mouth. (Yea I’m stuck on those. They were awesome!) But, things will never be that simple again. Once technology got its feet under it and took off, everything changed, and there’s no going back. But a girl can dream. Who else misses the 90’s? What do you miss the most about the last great generation?


3 thoughts on “The 90’s… The last great generation!

  1. Wow! You took me back😄. My childhood flashed before my eyes! Yes I agree the 90s was great. I love tgif. Thanks for taking me back in time. I have to say the 80s were pretty great too! 😀

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